An industry we tend not to focus on much (or try not to, anyway) is pest control, which leads us to picture all sorts of lurid imagery when we start to think of the people who own or work at companies who do our dirty work. Fat, sloppy, and shady, kind of like the guy in Men In Black that the cockroach alien took over and started wearing his skin!

Well, fact is, pests and pest control are a far more important and ubiquitous problem than we think of in our modern society. In fact, it’s one of the most important parts of not only what keeps our cities sanitary and livable, but also what keeps our roofs over our heads when it comes to one of the most destructive pests out there – termites!

The very word is enough to run a chill up the spine of any homeowner – I myself doubletake any time I see a suspicious pile of dust next to a wall and creep along on my hands and knees to make sure there aren’t any holes that signal the presence of this dreaded insect. This is a habit shared by many responsible and mostly sane property managers and owners, I’m sure.

So how do we reconcile our negative attitudes towards those companies that operate in the pest control sphere and our need to keep our homes from being eaten up and falling down around us? We turn to sites like Technology Systems, of course, who scour the internet for reputable companies that have solid reputations for trustworthiness and effectiveness, even if they operate in an industry we don’t find particularly appealing.

As Technology Systems specializes in reviewing businesses in the Southern California area, we decided to narrow our focus down to some individual cities and the businesses that serve them. Today, we’re focusing on Monrovia and its surrounding cities, and for this area we can think of no better company to solve your pest problem than Grand Oaks Termite Control, by far the best reviewed company in the industry.

Grand Oaks, owned and operated by Justin M., has been eliminating pesky critters from worried homeowner’s properties since 2013, and has been working in the field for over 20 years. The company is lauded by its customers for its thoroughness and promptness, consistently finding damage and signs of infestation that previous exterminators missed during previous treatments.

The company offers repairs for damaged sections of wood in your house as well as a full treatment for your property to completely eliminate any and all pests currently driving you mad. They don’t leave a job until the client is completely satisfied that their pest problems are over, and they are glad to come back if new problems start popping up.

The level of customer service that the company provides is almost unprecedented – they have made room in their busy schedule to fit in clients that are in dire need of quick treatments despite a long list of jobs, and makes a point to walk his clients through every step of the process so that they can be sure he is not overcharging for his services.

If you’re in need of a termite inspection in Monrovia or the surrounding areas, we can’t recommend this company enough, and neither can his customers.

Grand Oaks Termite Control

(626) 538-4156

110 S Worthy Dr. Glendora, CA 91741